
Dofus the movie
Dofus the movie

This excitable member of Kerub's old crew has a fascination for explosives that needs to be kept in check by his friends, but his expertise on weaponry is equally valuable. His extraordinary sense of smell also allows him to detect lies.

dofus the movie

Kanigroo is an expert tracker with a zen attitude, who never resorts to violence despite his impressive strength. Unfortunately, he also feels uncontrollable urges to betray his allies at the worst times, but the others seem to accept his handicap rather gracefully. Crocosec has an uncanny gift for disguise that is nothing short of unbelievable, which made him a valuable asset as part of Kerub's old crew. As Kerub was raised in Ecaflip's temple and became his favorite disciple, the god Ecaflip makes several appearances throughout the series, influencing his luck, watching over him or placing challenges in his way. One episode is dedicated to showing how Kerub and Lou came into "possession" of him. As the living house where current-day events take place, the Shushu Luis is mostly involved in conversation, but he also has control over various parts of the house and can use doors, among other things, to hinder or assist Kerub depending on his mood. He sees himself as a gentleman adventurer, refined and respectable, and Kerub as a "stray" merely playing at being a hero. Where Kerub relies heavily on luck and persuasion, Indie owes his success entirely to skill and discipline. In their youth, they also competed for the love of Lou, but neither of them truly won that competition. Similar in many ways, yet perfect opposites in others, they have spent their whole lives competing to determine who was the greatest adventurer. The Ouginak Indie Delagrandaventure is Kerub's greatest rival. She, on the other hand, seems to have left him for good and is never seen in the present day. Her strong temperament often clashes with Kerub's exuberant and carefree attitude, but his love for her is never diminished. Featuring in many episodes focused on the past, the Ouginak is sometimes seen as a prize, sometimes as a companion, and sometimes as a disgruntled lover to win back. Lou is the lifelong love interest of Kerub, and also a capable adventurer in adulthood. Despite working as a maid, she is fearsome in a fight and secretive about her past. She develops a romantic relationship with a local Ecaflip hairdresser named Julie, but her sexual orientation is never treated as out of the ordinary or used to make a point. She also befriends Luis quickly, which allows her to set both the house and the household straight. Although she plays a secondary role in most episodes, she becomes a member of the family after a fashion despite being aloof toward most people, with the notable exception of Joris, with whom she sometimes behaves like a nanny. Simone is an Osamodas maid that is hired by Kerub in the second episode, although her arrival is based on a misunderstanding. His pet flea Flifli is often helpful in situations of need, frequently acting like a guard dog. He is very curious and obedient and clearly loves his adoptive father. He is always pressing his "Papycha" for more stories, asking about the various magic items in the shop, all of which were acquired through adventuring. Joris, 7 years old, is the second focus of the series, a young boy whom the target audience can relate to with his mischief, disdain for chores and love of stories and (child-scale) adventures. Having left many flaws in his past, he often delivers morals to Joris, but he still displays mischief and other traits that children may identify with. These different periods of heroism, conquest and bravado are contrasted by his current wisdom, melancholy and care for Joris. Through his many stories, viewers get to know him as a child, a teenager and an adventurer in his prime. Most episodes focus on stories of his past, and he often maintains the leading role in present-day episodes as well.

dofus the movie

Kerub takes the leading role as head of the house, father figure, shop keeper and storyteller.

Dofus the movie